Saturday, August 31, 2019

Organization Need People or People Need Organization Essay

With the increased globalization of markets, competition among market players has become more severe. In this competitive market, one of the most important factors is the achievement of customer satisfaction and excellence in service. Although the concept of customer satisfaction in customer oriented management is not new, the relationship between customers and corporations has been changing almost daily. Customers are becoming the absolute entity for corporations as the final decision makers for business deals and purchases of products. All organizations exist to serve a customer. Customers are real people, not account numbers or enterprise names. Because of this, customer buying decisions are very often made for emotional reasons. It is therefore most important to understand customers, their level of satisfaction, and their opinions of an enterprise, as well as their opinions of its competitors, if the enterprise is to grow and improve its market share. SWOT analysis can also play a role in understanding customers. Peter Drucker, the highly regarded management scholar and writer, stated, â€Å"The only valid definition of business purpose is to create a customer. † Successful organizations of the future will be those that can provide goods and services to the customers who want it, where they want it, and in the quantity and at the price they want it, thereby delighting rather than merely satisfying customers. Customer delight will lead to loyalty, which is one of the critical indicators used to measure the success of a marketing strategy. Services cannot, however, be performed without some form of relationship between the producer and the consumer and cannot be stored and retained for later use in the way typical of many tangible goods. Business corporations make efforts to create and provide their customers with higher value added, which consists of elements such as lower prices, additional benefits, and uniqueness in services. With rapid advances in information and communications technology, corporations can take advantage of the emerging IT systems to create infrastructure within the organization to improve responsiveness to customer needs and to track those needs, thereby improving customer satisfaction significantly. Top management should be aware of how to tap the power of IT to enhance customer services, resulting in better service quality and streamlining of processes. Here is an example where you can find that why customers are important for the existence of a company or organization EXAMPLE 1: Auto insurance companies require information about people who live with you Are car insurers allowed to require information about the people who live with you for your auto insurance policy? The very idea of an auto insurance company demanding such information from you may seem offensive. After all, what business is it of theirs, who lives in your house—particularly if you are the only person driving the insured car? Insurance companies must consider a variety of factors before determining the final price of your auto insurance policy. Remember that the insurance provider is not only insuring the price of the car, but also insuring the welfare and wellbeing of each passenger involved in a collision The insurance company will insist that anyone who lives in the same house, and who frequently or irregularly operates the same vehicle as an insured driver, must be accounted for on the policy and must take accountability as a second driver. Therefore, if a child becomes of legal age, then the insurance company will usually insist that he or she is officially added to the policy, unless they have their own separate policy. Does the insurance company have the right to ask about other drivers in your home? Definitely. The insurance company is trying to decide if they want to invest in your driving safety. Also bear in mind that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) requires insurance companies to ask for this information, as this shows the company to be a legitimate and licensed insurance provider. Since the insurance company is required to ask this question, they must be given an answer pertaining to all members of the immediate family, and their driving history. This information will help the company to assign a proper auto insurance rating, and will ultimately decide the amount of risk involved. Always answer this question truthfully. Though nobody enjoys invasive questioning, when it comes to insurance policies, these questions must be answered. After all, you as a primary motorist want to disclose any possible scenarios to the insurance company well in advance of a contract being signed. Whenever a surprise scenario occurs (something not listed on the policy) then it is usually not covered. Not truthfully answering questions is tantamount to misrepresentation. This will result in a denial of all claims and a cancellation of the policy. So you may easily conclude that why organization need people as customers. Let’s take one more example The marketing concept and philosophy is one of the simplest ideas in marketing, and at the same time, it is also one of the most important marketing philosophies. At its very core are the customer and his or her satisfaction. The marketing concept and philosophy states that the organization should strive to satisfy its customers’ wants and needs while meeting the organization’s goals. In simple terms, â€Å"the customer is king†. The implication of the marketing concept is very important for management. It is not something that the marketing department administers, nor is it the sole domain of the marketing department. Rather, it is adopted by the entire organization. From top management to the lowest levels and across all departments of the organization, it is a philosophy or way of doing business.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Boston Tea Party

December 3rd, 2011 The Boston Tea Party The Boston Tea Party made a change in history, a rebellion that has a cause and effect. It was a cold December night in Boston. There were three famous ships, the Dartmouth, the Eleanor, and the Beaver were sitting in Boston harbor, their holds full of tea that wasn’t being unloaded because of the angry residents of Boston were threatened not to buy or use the tea. The government of Great Britain had passes the Tea Act, a law that almost guaranteed that the American colonists would buy tea from the East India Company.The law lowered the price on tea, resulting the East India Companies so much that it was the cheapest tea around. The price was so low that even other tea companies were shocked. This was beneficial to them because if American colonists were looking for way to cut down costs and save money, they would much rather choose a cheaper tea over the expensive one, in this case were the merchants. The law came out because the East I ndia Company weren’t doing well and the British government wanted to help the company get back on its feet.Other tea companies weren't happy about the Tea Act, but the American colonists viewed it as another example of â€Å"taxation without representation†: In effect, the Tea Act was putting a tax on tea sold by companies other than the East India Company. As with the Stamp Act and other unpopular taxes, they were all voted in by Parliament, which was thousands of miles away, and the American colonists had no way to influence the law or speak out against it while it was being debated in government. So the colonists were angry.They wanted to do something else to let the British know about the unhappiness that the Tea Act was causing. Some people wanted to keep things nonviolent; others wanted bloodshed. The result was somewhere in the middle. A group of colonists determined to make things change was the Sons of Liberty. Led by patriots as Samuel Adams and John Hancock, the Sons of Liberty had secret meetings at which they discussed how best to get their message across to Great Britain, that the American people wanted more of a role in governing themselves.In the year 1773, and the colonists faced another year of unopposed and unrepresentative taxes. The Sons of Liberty decided to take action. Donning disguises that made them look like they were Native Americans, a large group of the Sons of Liberty on December 16 stormed aboard those three unsuspecting British ships and dumped 342 crates full of tea overboard. By any standards, that's a lot of tea. These crates happened to be jammed full of tea, and so the companies that made that tea lost a lot of money that night.Because the Sons of Liberty were disguised as Native Americans, they could claim that they were not guilty of dumping the tea. The British government knew better, of course, and grew angrier than ever at what it saw as Americans' ingratitude. The very next year saw the passage of what came to be called the Intolerable Acts. The Intolerable Acts were series of laws by the British Prime Minister in response to the Boston Tea Party.The laws were these: * Impartial Administration of Justice Act, which allowed the royal governor of a colony to move trials to other colonies or even to England if he feared that juries in those colonies wouldn't judge a case fairly * Massachusetts Bay Regulating Act made all law officers subject to appointment by the royal governor and banned all town meetings that didn't have approval of the royal governor * Boston Port Act, which closed the port of Boston until the price of the dumped tea was recovered, moved the capital of Massachusetts to Salem, and made Marblehead the official port of entry for the Massachusetts colony. Quartering Act, which allowed royal troops to stay in houses or empty buildings if barracks were not available * Quebec Act, which granted civil government and religious freedom to Catholics living in Quebec. The Bos ton Tea Party was a symbolic act, an example of how far Americans were willing to speak out for their freedom. Two short years later, Americans were willing to give their lives for their freedom, as shots rang out on Lexington Green.In my opinion the Sons of Liberty were fed up with everything that was going on because of the Tea Act. They wanted to get the attention of Parliament and the King, but with them being so far away; by the time a letter got there could be ages. They knew they had to get their attention some way. The waited a long period of time to see if things would change, but things just got worse. They reacted, and the king was not happy, so he reacted by passing the Intolerable Acts. This brought major changes in Boston.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Caribbean People

Saladoid culture is a pre-columbian indigenous culture of Venezuela and the Caribbean that flourished from 500 BCE to 545 CE. [1] This culture is thought to have originated at the lower Orinoco River near the modern settlements of Saladero and Barrancas in Venezuela. Seafaring people from the lowland region of the Orinoco River of South America migrated into and established settlements in the Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico, and Hispaniola. [1] They displaced the pre-ceramic Ortoiroid culture. As a horticultural people, they initially occupied wetter and more fertile islands that best accommodated their needs.These Indigenous peoples of the Americas were an Arawak-speaking culture. Between 500-280 BCE, they immigrated into Puerto Rico and the Lesser Antilles, eventually making up a large portion of what was to become a single Caribbean culture. [edit]Culture Saladoid people are characterized by agriculture, ceramic production, and sedentary settlements. [1] Their unique and highly decor ated pottery has enabled archaeologists to recognize their sites and to determine their places of origin. Saladoid ceramics include zoomorphic effigy vessels, incense burners, platters, trays, jars, bowls with strap handles, and bell-shaped containers.The red pottery was painted with white, orange, and black slips. [1] Distinctive Saladoid artifacts are stone pendants, shaped like raptors from South America. These were made from a range of exotic materials, including such as carnelian, turquoise, lapis lazuli, amethyst, crystal quartz, jasper-chalcedony, and fossilized wood. These were traded through the Great and Lesser Antilles and the South American mainland, until 600 CE. [1] The Taino of the Greater Antilles represented the last stage of the Ostionoid cultural tradition.By about AD 1100-1200, the Ostionoid people of Hispaniola lived in a wider and more diverse geographic area than did their predecessors; their villages were larger and more formally arranged, farming was intensi fied, and a distinctive material culture developed. They developed rich and vibrant ritual and artistic traditions that are revealed in Taino craftsmanship in using bone, shell, stone wood and other media. Social stratification is thought to have become more pronounced and rigid during this period as well. This stage of intensification and elaboration after AD 1100 is known as â€Å"Taino†.The Taino people, as characterized by archaeologists, were not a unified society, and have been categorized into subdivisions according to the degree of elaboration in their artistic and social expression. The Central or â€Å"Classic† Tainos are identified with the most complex and intensive traditions, and are represented archaeologically by â€Å"Chican-Ostionoid† material culture. They occupied much of Hispaniola, including En Bas Saline. The â€Å"Western† Taino occupied central Cuba, Jamaica, and parts of Hispaniola, and , are also associated archaeologically with the â€Å"Ostionoid-Meillacan† material tradition.The Lucayan Taino lived in the Bahamas, and the â€Å"Eastern† Taino are thought to have lived in regions of the Virgin Islands and the Leeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles. As many archaeologists have emphasized, however, the Taino were but one of the recognizable cultural groups in the Caribbean at the time of contact. They co-existed and interacted with other Ostionan peoples and perhaps even Saladoid-influenced Archaic peoples, such as the Guanahatabey of Cuba and the Caribs of the Lesser Antilles.

Cell phones and the dangers of them Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cell phones and the dangers of them - Essay Example Cell phones should not be banned, but its' usage should be limited. Can you remember the last time you walked down the street, or sat in a caf, or engaged in any public activity and did not see a cellular phone In just about every public place a cell phone would be visible as would be ring tones of the latest sound track and in different languages. Cell phones have become so common that it is likely to see a group of friends hanging out together but each engaged in a conversation with someone else on their cell phone. The use of cell phones cannot be avoided, whether it's a business man calling to check on his appointments, or a mom calling to check on her kids, or just teenagers calling to talk with friends; whatever the reason might be, cell phones are being used by just about everyone. Who is using and why they are using cell phones are the obvious questions with simple answers. The main question to address then arises, is using a cell phone really dangerous and what can we do about it It is important to note that cellular phones are still considered a new invention and it is too soon to tell if serious health problems are really caused by using such devices. However, a lot of research has been conducted in the past few years and many of the researchers are having a controversial debate to the severity of the problems caused by cell phones. According to, "some recent studies have suggested that long-term use of cell phones may increase the risk of acoustic neuroma, a rare tumor that develops in the nerves near the inner ears."1 Even though this study has not been hundred percent certified as of yet, it is still something serious to look into. Would you really like to continue using cell phones thinking there is a possible you might develop a "rare tumor" All of a sudden, the prospect of having long conversations about nothing in particular does not seem very appealing. There are many ways to deal with this problem though. Just because a suspicion tells us that there is a possibility of a health-risk does not necessarily mean we should all panic and throw out our phones. As indicated by the Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices and Radiological Health and the Federal Communications Commission, "If there is a risk from these products -- and at this point we do not know that there is -- it is probably very small." 1 For those users who are still not convinced and suspect that cell phone poses a great threat to their health, they are advised to limit their cell phone conversations. Another helpful way to prevent health issues is to wear a headset instead of putting the cellular to your ear, that way the cell phone itself has less direct contact to your head and cell tissues. 1 Yet, there are other sources that state the risk of health-related problems from cell phones is neither a suspicion nor a myth, but rather a fact. According to British physicist Dr. Gerald Hyland, "If mobile phones were a type of food, they simply would not be licensed."2 That is a very strong statement to make about an obvious safety question and concern. In another cancer related website, Dr. Gerald Hyland is quoted again and this website does not talk about mere suspicions but rather addresses the matter in a very serious manner. To focus on why cell phones are possibly considered unsafe, the website explains that the cell

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

UKs Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

UKs Economy - Essay Example Services, particularly banking, insurance, and business services, account by far for the largest proportion of GDP while industry continues to decline in importance. Since emerging from recession in 1992, Britain's economy has enjoyed the longest period of expansion on record; growth has remained in the 2-3% range since 2004, outpacing most of Europe. The majority of the companies where held by the government till 1940's. However, at present there is a widespread privatization of formerly government owned companies. Many leading companies are owned by or in the process of bidding for the foreign owners. For instances, Jaguar's acquisition by TATA Motors and BMW selling off Rover. Some of these owners are themselves in public sector or are only must going through privatization process. The crisis in US property market has prompted global banks to rein in lending, leading to fears of a sharp global slowdown. (Fleming 2007). (Cubbin). There are some acceptable rescue strategies that are used for rescuing corporate organisations. "Many of these strategies require internal changes, which may impact on the following areas:" (Arrangements: Working Towards a Common Goal). Pricing policy: The pricing of products of a company even if it is healthy is of great importance. The pricing of a product will be dependent on many factors like, competition for the product, its exclusivity, consumer perception etc. A company that is in financial trouble can take a look at its pricing policy and try to increase revenues though increased sales. The first thing that could be done is to see whether the products can be priced higher than it is currently priced. If, after due analysis and if found feasible, increased product pricing can help to increase the cash flow of a company in trouble. Another strategy that could be followed is use menu-pricing. This is the practice of assessing the standard price of a product and then add or lessen related services that are associated with the product. In this way the pricing of the product can be fixed so that it will be different from the price of a competing product. "Top pricing performers use menu-pricing--setting a price f or a standard service and then offering a range of service levels that raise or lower that price--differently than their less successful peers, and more often. This approach makes it possible for companies to charge customers more accurately for the cost of serving them." (Alldredge, Griffin and Kotcher, 2003). Increasing the price range of products may also be of help. Cash Management: Managing scarce resources in times of need are very important in any situation. A company in financial trouble may find itself starved of liquid assets, especially cash. A thorough understanding of the cash flow of the company should be made. From this it will be clear as to where the problem in cash flow exists. For example, it could be that debtors are not paying what is due to the company. Addressing this problem and trying to find a way out will be of great help in situations like this. Manufacturing process: A modification or restructuring of an inefficient manufacturing process can help in rescuing the company. If is a service sector company, its service process could be revamped. Staff:

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Dangers Of Cell Phones For Human Health Essay

The Dangers Of Cell Phones For Human Health - Essay Example Supporters of cell phones say that cell phones provide us with a number of facilities, such as ease of communication, neighborhood crime watch, use in emergencies, and use as reminders. However, there also exist some risks regarding the use of cell phones. Some of the risks include road accidents, increased number of crimes, and weakening of eardrums. Today, almost every person keeps a cell phone in the car while traveling because a cell phone has become one of the major necessities of life. Use of cell phone while driving may result in slower braking reactions, slower reactions to traffic signals, and difficulties in making quick decisions. If we compare the ratio of road accidents that used to occur in a year before the 2000s with today, we come to know that the ratio of road accidents due to use of cell phones during driving has been increased by 75 to 80 percent approximately. â€Å"In a study done in April 2006, it was found that 80% of car crashes involved the driver not paying attention right before the accident† (Russell). The reason is that cell phones distract the driver’s attention, which results in road accidents. â€Å"According to several resources, every year, about 21% critical vehicle crashes happen due to cellphone use and require teens among age party 16 to 19 ages† (He). Supporters of cell phones say that cell phones do not take much attention of the users; rather they make people more responsible as they have to take care of themselves and other people while on road. However, this viewpoint is very illogical because accidents just need a little negligence to occur and that negligence can take place at any stage of cell phone use. Cell phones also create risks for health. Excessive use of cell phones can affect our eardrums and can cause skin cancer as well. Today, a large number of young adults use a hands-free system to hear songs from their cell phones.

Monday, August 26, 2019

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT- COURSEWORK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT- COURSEWORK - Essay Example The chief success story of Zara lies in strategies undertaken by the company. The corporate strategies had helped the company to grow faster with creative, flexible and innovative business model. The business model has differentiated the company from rest of the companies in the same industry. It has provided Zara with the best competitive advantage, both at international and local level (Berfield and Baigorri, 2013). Zara had regarded its target market as a â€Å"young educated one that likes fashion and is sensitive of fashion† (Wiggin, 2013). The company emphasizes on achieving competitive advantage over their rivals by integrating the manufacturing, production, logistics and customer handling staffs. The main activities, that escalate the speed of manufacturing and the supply chain, is the time taken to deliver Zara’s clothing from the manufacturing site (Hansen, 2012) 1) They regard customers as the centre of every clothing design strategy. Customers are questioned about their preferred clothing designs. The sales team of Zara makes use of the hand-held PDA devices for capturing the daily and even hourly feedback from customers, which enables them to ideate new clothing designs. The device daily transfers design to the Research and Development section, which is known as Cube (Valerio, 2013). The Cube team makes new clothing pieces in just two weeks and those match the exact needs of customers. The business strategy of Zara is clear; if a company has to succeed in the long run in a competitive market, then it has to be customer-centric. The needs and desires of customers are taken into account, so that the company can cater to their needs in the exact manner that they look for (Ferdows, Lewis and Machuca, 2003). 2) The company concentrates on technology for managing and tracking inventory and also, controlling cost. The sales associates send daily reports to the management, regarding

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Europe in the Early Middle Ages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Europe in the Early Middle Ages - Essay Example It was very awful that during this period, a mysterious disease attacked many individuals killing around 20 million2. This disease spread very fast since it was transmittable from one individual to the other and hence was very difficult to prevent it from spreading. After the fall of the Roman empire, the Catholic Church united people and with time, Charlemagne’ empire became the Holy Romans’ Empire. Additionally, during this period, the Islamic religion became very great and powerful since the death of their prophet, Muhammad. There were also many books and articles written on Islamic Religion. Consequently, it became almost three times larger than before. Additionally, there were also mass crusades by the Christians, whose main intentions were to expel and fight the Muslims3. However, they did not succeed in the end. In the beginning of this period, Feudalism scholars governed Europe. The peasants performed most of the work and were promised protection by this system4. They also experienced a hard time since they could not leave without permission without approval by the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

One-Child Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

One-Child Policy - Essay Example From the research "One-Child Policy" it is clear that the Policy contributed to increased saving by individuals and provided better support to children’s higher education. It also helped to provide better healthcare services to women and reduced pregnancy-related risks. The policy proved hugely beneficial in terms of increased employment, reduced burden on natural resources and rate of exploitation. The overhead cost of social service and social maintenance and problems associated with overpopulation like poverty, epidemics, law enforcement etc were considerably reduced. This helped the government to focus on economic growth. The policy has come under flak for myriad reasons. While forced abortion and infanticide are cited as major human right violations, many social problems have also emerged with the single child. It has resulted in abnormal sex ratio and it is expected that there would be 30 million more men than women by 2020! It is also believed that spacing birth would h ave yielded the same result as the policy. Most importantly, the dependency of the elderly population on young generation has significantly increased which could ultimately impact their overall welfare. The one child policy was an important initiative to control burgeoning population which was already under huge pressure from many spheres of the public good. The overpopulation not only increases dependency on the state and increases overhead costs, it also adversely impacts social policies like employment, environment considerations and economic growth. The policy proved quite effective in controlling population dynamics and promoted higher economic growth and employment. Environment efforts also got the boost as large volumes of waste were significantly reduced. It was also important element of the national saving as it motivated individuals towards higher saving and investment for

Friday, August 23, 2019

Improving Staff Morale Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Improving Staff Morale - Coursework Example On the other hand, low staff morale leads to increased costs, decreased efficiency, low motivation and interest (1, p.339).This is because of reduced motivation, wastage of time and low productivity. Consequently, keeping and improving employee morale is one of the most important things that the management of organizations must always do in order to achieve and maintain productive workplaces. The leading cause of low staff morale is poor leadership (2).It is associated with poor interpersonal relations between administrators and employees and inflexible working conditions (3). However, improving the staff morale remains of the greatest challenges to many contemporary organizational management and business leaders. Achieving it well requires a critical analysis of the analysis of the reasons behind low employee morale and addressing the root cause as opposed to the symptoms Currently, many organizations are facing stiff competition in the market and are increasingly being required to reduce their operation costs. Staff sizes are constantly being reduced and this creates more responsibilities for the remaining staff. Increased stress levels results leading to reduced organizational morale. The achievement of improved staff morale particularly lies in the management approach adopted by the company as well as the relationship between the management and the workers. This paper critically reviews literature on staff morale and attempts to give recommendations on how supermarket R’Us can increase and maintain staff morale and job satisfaction within its employees. Analysis of the ways of improving staff morale Numerous researchers concur that the level of confidence and satisfaction among employees is critically important to the productivity of any business organization. Morale indicates the happiness exhibited by the employees in the organizational surroundings. It is the key to job satisfaction by the employers towards their employees. In most cases, the succ ess of business organizations such as Supermarket R’Us closely depends on the cheerfulness, confidence, discipline, satisfaction and willingness of the staff workers to perform their assigned tasks. Although there is no single known factor that can satisfactorily be used to explain the occurrence of high or low morale, it is widely believed that morale of the staff workers in any organizations is often a top down issue than a bottom up issue (4, p.46). The existence of low morale among the staff workers in a business organization has a number of negative implications for the productivity of its workplace environment. This is particularly because morale is one of the key drivers of performance and lack of it often comes with a high price tag. For example, disengaged and unmotivated staff workers may contribute to reduced productivity through increased cases of employee dissident, illnesses, unscheduled absenteeism and general poor performance. On the other hand, Organizations that maintain high staff morale have, employees that arrive to work on time, have low employee turnover, communicate better and are more committed to the organizational goals. As a result, failure to address low morale issues in the workplaces may not only lead to lower productivity but also to increased loss of revenues, workplace conflicts, dissatisfied consumers or customer

Thursday, August 22, 2019

China Currency Exchange Rate Essay Example for Free

China Currency Exchange Rate Essay The currency regime adopted by China is neither fixed nor flexible exchange rate system. China has announced in 2005 the â€Å"end of its firm peg against the dollar, instead allowing it to trade within a narrow band against a basket of currencies.† China regime is managed floating system where the currency increases very slowly year by year and the China government prevent the currency from changing quickly in the short term. The reason why Chinese government intervene in the currency market is to lower exchange rate to increase employment, maintain a fixed rate to maintain stability and improve their current account deficit. China government manage its currency rate by buying foreign currencies to increase supply of China currency, therefore lowering its currency value. They also lower the value of its currency by lowering their interest rates. In the case of China, it is very difficult and challenging for them to adopt the fixed exchange rate system due to their disadvantages. Firstly, China government must always adjust its interest rate so maintain the exchange rate. Changing the interest rate frequently will cause fluctuations in investments and growth and also stable employment. There is also a possibility that the export rate may be set at the wrong level. For example, if it was set at a higher level, this could affect China export competitiveness and their domestic market will suffer. Question 4b Though China has been heavily criticised by some foreign countries like USA for their practice, there are some advantages to managed flow system. Firstly, the managed flow system will ensure stability in China compared to floating. This is because if China suddenly appreciate their currency, their exports production will suffer and there will be lots of unemployment as a result. However there are disadvantages to managed floating system as well. People will try to challenge the earn funds from the currency as this system is very prone to speculative attack. Experiences have shown that speculative attacks could decrease the growth of a country’s gross domestic product by 6 percent or more.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Causes and spread of infection Essay Example for Free

Causes and spread of infection Essay Bacteria. These organisms are made up of just one cell. They have the power to divide so can multiply on their own. Some bacteria are harmless and can be of use in the aid of digestion and are found in the intestines. Other bacteria can be the cause of diseases. These bacteria have to find a way in to the body to be of harm and can make their way through the skin or be digested and attack our immune system. Viruses. These micro-organisms are very tiny. They invade living normal cells and use these cells to multiply and produce other viruses like themselves. Eventually this kills off the normal cell and can make you ill. Parasites. These are micro-organisms that live off other organisms or a host so they are able to survive. Some parasites don’t affect the host. But others grow, reproduce, or can even give off toxins that make the host sick resulting in a parasitic infection. They include; protozoan, fungi, and multi-cellular organisms. Fungi. These are single celled organisms a little bigger than bacteria. They do not make their own food so they get their food from absorbing the nutrients from their surroundings. Common illnesses and infections causes. Bacteria: Acute Rheumatic Fever Anthrax, Bacterial Vaginosis, Botulism, Brucellosis, Cholera. Diptheria. Gastroenteritis. Legionnaires Disease . Listeriosis. Meningitis Salmonella. E.Col. Staphylococcus Aureus Infection. Tetanus. Toxic Shock Syndrome.. Tuberculosis Typhoid . Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Viruses. Measles Mumps Rubella Influenza Polio Hepatitis A+B Herpes 1+2 HIV Noro Virus Parasites Sleeping sickness Thread, Hook and Tape worms Scabies Malaria Head Lice Elephantiasis Fungi: Aspergillosis, Blastomycosis, Candidacies, Warts, Athletes Foot, Thrush Ring Worm Tinia Capitis. Infection is when the the body is invaded with micro-organisms that multiply these can be bacterial, viruses and parasites which are not normally found in the body. Colonisation is the presence and multiplying of micro-organisms and can be found on or in an individual; the individual can be a carrier of the infection but may have no signs or symptoms of illness, although they can infect others. Systemic infection this means that the infection is widespread throughout the body and must be assumed to be in all organs. Localised infection. This means that an infection caused by bacteria is limited to a certain area. Bacteria invade the body at a specific point and remain there, multiplying, until treated. Infection can enter the body by breathing it in, ingesting it by eating contaminated food. And absorption through the skin or via an open wound Poor practice that may lead to the spread of infection can be; Poor personal hygiene, not washing hands correctly, not using PPE. The incorrect disposal of rubbish and waste materials. not storing or cooking foods properly, not cleaning your surroundings, not covering your nose or mouth when sneezing or coughing, direct contact with bodily fluids not following policies or reporting outbreaks or episodes of disease, Conditions needed for growth of micro-organisms include: Moisture: micro-organism need water to grow. Water must flow freely in and out of cells for the transfer of nutrients and waste products. Appropriate Temperature: The majority of human pathogens are Mesophilic. These can grow between a wide range of temperatures 5-63*C –Body temperature is 37 degrees; this is the ideal temperature for these bacteria to multiply. If it is too cold then the bacteria can remain dormant. And too hot a temperature can slow the growth down. Nutrients: All microorganisms need a food source. The  food sources can vary, but the organisms extract nutrients from substances such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Every micro-organism needs a mixture of carbon, nitrogen, phosphate, sulphur, water and vitamins. Proper pH: Most human micro-organisms are within the acidophilus group; this means that they prefer a pH or 0.0-5.4 Gases: Most micro-organisms require an environment of 5-10% CO2. Time: bacteria can multiply in 10-20 minutes in these conditions. In the correct conditions micro-organism are able to grow, respire, and reproduce. Sources of infection and how they enter the body: Food all bacteria need food to grow. Vegetables and raw meat from any animal are significant sources of contamination. Bacteria are always present in animal intestines. These can spread through meat products during slaughter or when a product is minced. . The bacteria can then get carried through the food chain. If the meat product is not cooked properly then the bacteria enter the body through the mouth and are absorbed through the digestive system once we have eaten them. Water: Stored, untreated or incorrectly treated sources of drinking water carry pathogenic micro-organism like rivers, lakes and reservoirs which can cause infections. These enter the body by the mouth and enter the digestive system once we have drunk the contaminated water. Soil: Dirt: there are many bacteria living in soil. These can cause infection if food is not washed properly in clean water and any food preparation surfaces that have been used need to be cleaned well. These bacteria can be then carried through the food chain and then enter the body through the mouth and again are absorbed through the digestive system when we eat. These bacteria can also be transmitted through touch and we can then ingest these as it is easy for our hands to become contaminated and if we put our hands in or near our mouths then we can ingest them. Also if our hands are not clean and we touch un contaminated food it can easily end up becoming contaminated. People: Healthy people carry pathogenic bacteria this can be found in the mouth .nose. Skin, hair ears throat, cuts and spots. If suffering with an infection, diarrhoea and or vomiting you should not handle food. Infection can be transferred by touch. Some diseases like scabies and herpes can be transferred by direct skin to skin contact. People who have an infection  like a cold and who then touch inanimate objects can leave germs these germs may be survive for a certain length of time, if another person touches these objects the germs can be passed on to them. Disease can also be passed on from person to person through coughing and sneezing. Droplets can be sprayed into the air and these can enter a person’s body through inhalation when they breathe. Sexual contact and the exchange of bodily fluids like seamen can carry infections like HIV. Air, Dust, Dirt Food Waste: dust and dirt are carried through the air and these contain millions of microscopic particles of dead skin, food and other debris that are covered in pathogenic bacteria. These bacteria can enter the body via the nose and lungs when we breathe. As they can also be found in the surroundings around us these can be transmitted and enter the body via touch. Animals Pests: insects and animals all carry harmful micro-organisms on and in their bodies. (You only need to think of the activities of a fly and what it lives and lands on). Their droppings, eggs, fur, nest materials, mites, and dead bodies can all cause contamination As animals are mobile these are transmitted very easily and infection can be spread where ever they go .some enter the body directly in to the blood stream like the spread of malaria via the mosquito. Others can leave the surroundings that are contaminated and spread through touch. These can enter the body when we touch ourselves or our food. Sewage: contamination from this is dangerous it contains many pathogens and allergens that fester in sewage and are responsible for a great number of infections. Airborne infections can be caused by sewage these can enter the body via inhalation. These pathogens can also be present in the water supply and food in surrounding areas and can enter the body via ingestion. Infection can also be spread by touch and animals. RISK: A person is more likely to pick up an infection if they have a poor immune system. The frail and elderly, babies and young children, people on immune suppressant medication as it compromises their immune system. People with long-term illnesses, cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy. People who are convalescing, pregnant women and their unborn baby. There are also people who come into regular contact with infectious agents; these people  have a higher risk of picking up an infection. For example; care workers, people who deal with infectious waste, medical staff. Sewage plant workers

Mukia Maderaspatana Antioxidant Properties

Mukia Maderaspatana Antioxidant Properties Plants have the ability to synthesize a wide variety of chemical compounds that are used to perform important biological functions and to defend against attack from predators. Mukia maderaspatana (L.)M. Romer, is an annual monoecious climber, belonging to Cucurbitaceae family. This plant specify many medicinal properties such as constipation, cough, vertigo, burning sensation, dyspepsia and dental pain.. In this study, ascorbic acid content from fresh leaves and fruits were carried out. Also, the phytochemical analysis such as Total flavonoid, total phenolics contents of the plant were characterized, and found that leaves of M.maderaspatana is rich in ascorbic acid, an antioxidant than that of fruits and also contains adequate amount of phenolics and flavonoid contents in leaves as compared to fruits. Keywords: Mukia maderaspatana, Phytochemical activity, Antioxidant activity. Introduction: Plants (fruits, vegetables, medicinal herbs, etc.) may contain a wide variety of free radical scavenging molecules, such as phenolic compounds (e.g. phenolic acids, flavonoids, lignans, tannins), nitrogen compounds, vitamins, terpenoids (including carotenoids), and some other endogenous metabolites, which are rich in antioxidant activity (; Zheng and Wang, 2001; Cai et al., 2003). Phytochemicals present in plants have been shown to have diverse biological activities like cardioprotective, cancer prevention and inhibiton of bone resorption. One of the most common activities of the phytochemicals is the antioxidant .(B.R.Srilatha and S.Ananda., 2012). The total antioxidant activity of plant foods is the result of individual activities of each of the antioxidant compounds present such as vitamin C, carotenoids, and phenolic compounds, the latter being the major phytochemicals responsible for antioxidant activity of plant materials (Javanmardi, Stushnoff, Locke, Vivanco, 2003;) Plants are the natural source for many biochemicals, fragrance, food coloures ,flavors and medicines with less side affects. Most valuable phytochemicals are the products of secondary metabolism .The use of plants as medicines predates written human history. All the plants produce chemical compounds as a part of their normal metabolic activity. The scientific interest in identifying novel natural antioxidants for use in foods has considerably increased in recent years, because the use of synthetic antioxidants as food additives is limited by specific regulations in various countries, established on the basis of their safety.(Spiridon Kintzios et al.2010). Many plants synthesize substances that are useful to the maintenance of health in humans and other animals. Compounds like flavonoids, phenolics are widely distributed in plants fulfilling many functions. They are most common group of polyphenolic compounds in human diet, and are known for their antioxidant activities. Pharmaceutica ls and food manufactures have become interested in these compounds for their medicinal properties especially their putatitive role in inhibiting cancer or cardiovascular diseases. Antioxidant plays an important role in the living system and it prevents the oxidative damage that may result in cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. (Sangilimuthu Alagar Yadav et al.,2012) Ascorbic acid , which is commonly known as vitamin C is common antioxidant . Ascorbic acid present in medicinal plants has attracted the attention of many researchers because of the wide range of their biological activities. (Mallika Jainu et al., 2008). Many studies have correlated high intakes of vitamin c, with low rates of cancer, particularly cancers of mouth, larynx and esophagus. Use of plants to treat diseases is almost universal among non industrialized societies, and are often more affordable than purchasing expensive modern pharmaceuticals. Many of the pharmaceuticals currently available to physician s have long history of use as herbal remedies including aspirin, digitalis, quinine and opium. Leaves and Fruits of Mukia maderasapatana Melothria madraspatana (Syn. Mukia maderaspatana L.) is an annual climber with hair shoots. It is an edible plant typically low in calories, low in fat, high in dietary fibre, high in iron and calcium and very high in phytochemicals such as Vitamin C, vitaminK, carotenoids, lutein, folate and polyphenolics compounds such as flavonoid etc. The whole plant is useful as it has valuable medicinal properties, cough, dental pain, burning sensation, and ayurvedic properties such as Rasa, Guna,Virya, vata, pita. In scientific literature M. maderaspatana has been shown to be anti-inflammatory, anti arthiritic Immunomodulatory, anti platelet ,hepato protective and antimicrobial. (B.R.Srilatha and S.Ananda., 2012). So the present study was carried out to evaluate the total phenolics, flavonoid and ascorbic acid contents in the leaves and the fruits of the plant. Materials and methods Plant material: M.maderaspatana were collected from vellore institute of technology (VIT) garden, vellore, Tamilnadu, State of India. Chemicals: Ascorbate, Trichloroacetic acid, DNPH (2,4 Dinitro phenylhydrazine) reagent, Thiourea solution, FC ( Folin ciocalteau)reagent, Catechol, Sodium carbonate, Ethanol, Quercetin, Aluminium Chloride, Potassium acetate. Estimation of Ascorbic acid The amount of ascorbic acid present in leaves and fruits of M.maderaspatana was estimated by method of (Roe and Keuther1943).Fresh leaves and fruits (1gm) were homogenized with 10ml of 4% TCA and centrifuged at 2000 rpm. The supernatant obtained was treated with pinch of activated charcoal for 10 min. Centrifugation was repeated and clear supernatant was obtained. Two different aliquots of supernatant (0.5 and 1.0ml) were taken as test sample . The volume was made upto 2.0ml with 4% TCA ,0.5ml of DNPH, 2drop of 10% thiourea solution was added and incubated for 3 hour at 37ËÅ ¡c . 2.5ml of 85% sulphuric acid was added and absorbance was read at 540 nm against blank . Ascorbate was used as standard. The ascorbic acid was expressed as mg equivalent per gram of extract. Preparation of ethanolic extract for phenolics: The leaves and the fruits of the plant were shade dried and powdered in the grinder. The powder leaves and fruits (25gm) was extracted with 85% ethanol (100ml) and kept overnight. The ethanol was evaporated next day using water bath and the residue was dried and used for further analysis. Estimation of phenolics: The total phenolic content present in leaves and fruits were assayed by (Mallick and Singh 1980). 10mg of plant extract was dissolved in 1ml of 80% ethanol. Further dilution were made up to 1mg /ml and different concentrations ( 10 µl,50 µl,100 µl and 250 µl) were taken and made up to 3ml with distilled water. 0.5ml of Folin ciocalteau reagent was added and incubated for 3min at RT. 2ml of sodium carbonate was added and kept in boiling water bath for 1min, cooled and absorbance was measured at 650 nm against blank .Catechol was used as standard. The total phenolic content was expressed as Catechol equivalent in mg per gram of extract. Estimation of flavonoids: The total flavonoids contents present in leaves and fruits were assayed by (Chang et al.,2002).10mg of plant extract was dissolved in 1ml of 80% ethanol, further dilution were made upto 1mg/ml and different concentrations ( 10  µl,50 µl,100 µl and 250 µl )were taken, 0.1ml of 10% aluminium chloride and 0.1ml of 1M potassium acetate and reaction mixture were made upto 3ml with distilled water. After 30min incubation at RT, the absorbance was measured at 415nm, against blank. Quercetin was used as standard. The flavonoid content was expressed as Quercetin equivalent in mg per gm of extract. Results: Standard graphs of Ascorbate, Catechol and Quercetin for Ascorbic acid, Phenolics and Flavonoid respectively are shown below, and The total content of these phytochemicals, present in M.maderaspatana were assayed using these standard graph The amount of Ascorbic acid, Total Phenolics and Flavonoids present in the leaves and fruits were investigated. The amount of Ascorbic acid is expressed as mg ascorbate /g. Graph1: (Standard curve equation Y= 0.007 x, r2 = 0.992), The total amount of phenolics is expressed as mg Catechol/g. Graph 2: ( Standard curve equation Y = 0.029 x, , r2 = 0.995) and The total amount of Flavonoid is expressed as mg Quercetin /g. Graph 3: (Standard curve equation Y = 0.012 x, r2 = 0.993) is tabulated below. Discussion: Medicinal plants are reported to be rich in antioxidants, namely polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamin A, C, E and several other constituents, which are necessary for maintaining good health and useful for therapeutic purposes against various diseases (Scalbert, Johnson, Saltmarsh, 2005) Medicinal plants are gaining a lot of importance as an alternate medicine against therapy and prevention from various diseases.(Raj Kumar Dutta et al.,2012). The result of present study in quantitative analysis of Ascorbic acid in leaves of Mukia maderaspatana were high (99.046  ± 1.413  µg/g) comparatively to that of fruits, (24.52  ± 1.43  µg/g) and various studies have revealed that ascorbic acid is an antioxidant vitamin that acts synergistically with tocopherol to preserve antioxidant function in chronic disease states (Bruno et al.,2006; Traber Stevens, 2011, Nuri Andarwulan et al .,2012). And Total Phenolics (31.08  ± 0.5291  µg/g) and Flavonoid (25.388 à ‚ ± 0.0174  µg/g) contents were also high in leaves to that of fruits (14.97  ± 1.127  µg/g ),( 6.47  ± 0.012  µg/g ) respectively .In the whole, leaves showed the higher amount of contents as compared to that of the fruits, and the antioxidant property of ascorbic acid were high when compared to phenolics an flavonoid contents in M.maderaspatana plant. Conclusions: The data presented in the study showed that Mukia maderaspatana is rich in antioxidant properties, especially Ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the treatment and prevention of scurvy and reduce neurological defects. The plant also contain adequate amount of flavonoid and phenolic content, which have anti-germ activities, anti tumor and anti inflammatory properties with reduced risk of heart disease  and many chronical diseases. Thus determining the antioxidant activities from M. maderaspatana could be valuable for pharmaceuticals and even for the food industries as they are abundantly found.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Technology in the Mathematics Classroom Essay -- Math Mathematics Tech

Technology in the Mathematics Classroom In today’s society, technology is advancing at such a rate that on can hardly stay ahead. Technology surrounds every person in civilization. To not use the technology that is readily available would be absurd. The same idea applies to technology in the classroom. Calculators, in particular, are becoming more readily available in the classroom, but technology should not stop there. Many inspiring computers programs, such as Geometer’s Sketchpad, Math Success, Fathom, Maple, and Minitab greatly enhance the mathematical teaching and learning that can take place in a classroom. With these types of programs, teachers can cover required more in-depth, and addition material more closely related to the students’ lives. In agreement with Bert K. Waits of Ohio State University, I believe technology, specifically â€Å"calculators[,] in conjunction with mental, paper-and-pencil, and estimation skills when appropriate, comprise the tools to help students work through the computations and manipulations necessary for solving problems† (p. 8). Many people are skeptical about 2 using quality technology in the classroom because they believe it decreases the student’s ability to complete mathematics problems without the technology. In my opinion, in agreement with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, â€Å"technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics† (p. 24). Even though many people are apprehensive about using technology in the classroom, I feel confident that students can and will use the provided technology wisely and greatly appreciate the ideas and concepts that can be discovered by using technol... ...lassroom, I want all of my students to have access to a handheld calculator and a computer with mathematical software. I plan to encourage my future students to embrace technology and all of its advances. 7 Works Cited â€Å"Handheld Graphing Technology at the Secondary Level: Research Findings and Implications for Classroom Practice† 25 August 2003. gsecondary2.html>. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc., 2000. â€Å"Recommendations for Technology in Teacher Preparation† MAA. 24 August 2003. m>. Waits, Bert. â€Å"The Role of Calculators in Math Education.† 25 August 2003. .html>.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Thoreau and King, Jr. :: American America History

Thoreau and King, Jr. There are times throughout the history of the United States when its citizens have felt the need to revolt against the government. There were such cases during the time of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Henry David Thoreau, when there was unfair discrimination against the Afro-American community and Americans refusing to pay poll taxes to support the Mexican War. They used civil disobedience to eventually get legislation to stop the injustice brought against them and their nation. Civil disobedience is defined as refusal to obey civil laws or decrees, which usually takes the form of passive resistance. People practicing civil disobedience break a law because they consider the law unjust, and want to call attention to its injustice, hoping to bring about its withdrawal. Thoreau wrote "Civil Disobedience" in 1849 after spending a night in the Walden town jail for refusing to pay a poll tax that supported the Mexican War. He recommended passive resistance as a form of tension that could lead to reform of unjust laws practiced by the government. He voiced civil disobedience as "An expression of the individual's liberty to create change" (Thoreau 530). Thoreau felt that the government had established order that resisted reform and change. "Action from principle, the perception and the performance of right, changes things and relations; it is essentially revolutionary" (Thoreau 531). Thoreau refused to pay the poll tax because the money was being used to finance the Mexican War. Not only was Thoreau against the war itself but the war was over Texas which was to be used as a slave state. His friend Staples offered to pay the tax for him, but to Thoreau it wasn't the tax he was objected to, it was how the money would be used. He believed strongly against paying money to a war he did not support, and would rather end up in jail than go against his will. A certain passage shows how strong he felt when he said "Your money is your life, why should I haste to give it my money?" (Thoreau 538). It was important to Thoreau to get the public informed about the War, and make people think why it was wrong to support it. Thoreau didn't rally hundreds and thousands of people together to get reactions. Instead he went to jail to protest and wrote his essay "Civil Disobedience". His statements were to get people to think and take their own approach to the situation.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Flowers For Algernon - Comparing And Contrasting Essay -- essays resea

Many popular novels are often converted into television movies. The brilliant fiction novel, Flowers for Algernon written by Daniel Keyes, was developed into a dramatic television film. Flowers for Algernon is about a mentally retarded man who is given the opportunity to become intelligent through the advancements of medical science. This emotionally touching novel was adapted to television so it could appeal to a wider, more general audience. Although the novel and film are similar in terms of plot and theme, they are different in terms of characters. The plot of both the novel and film version of Flowers for Algernon share common similarities. They both feature a retarded middle-aged man, Charlie Gordon, who receives an operation to heighten his intelligence. Charlie’s IQ eventually surpasses human normalcy to reveal that the experiment did prove successful. In both the film and novel, Charlie became even more intelligent than the professors who worked with him. In the film, Dr. Strauss was embarrassed to reveal that Charlie was smarter than him. That played a milestone event in Charlie’s identification of himself. Slowly his intelligence began to decrease and he eventually returned to his original state of mind. Throughout the story, Charlie encountered many different emotions that he had never experienced before because he didn’t have the common knowledge to understand them. The episode when he was at the nightclub with his co-workers gave him the opportunity to experience betrayal and anger. â€Å"I never knew before that Joe and Frank and the others liked to have me around just to make fun of me† (Keyes 30). The plot for both versions also carefully depicted Charlie’s psychological traumas that he suffered after his operation. These outbursts were often caused by romantic anxiety and the painful memories he would recall. Whenever Charlie got intimate with Alice he would tend to get extremely nervous or have a hallucination, causing him to ruin the moment. â€Å"I dropped a fork, and when I tried to retrieve it, I knocked over a glass of water and spilled it on her dress† (56). One of Charlie’s most painful memories was the one about the locket incident. Both versions did a great job of emphasizing this particular moment. â€Å"His clothes are torn, his nose is bleeding and one of his teeth is broken† (38). These flashbacks occurred many times in the novel yet the f... ...n the woman at the bar in the movie. Norma, Charlie’s sister, was another important character who wasn’t featured in the film. She was part of the reason why Charlie was sent away. As a child she hated Charlie because he would constantly ruin things for her, like the ‘A-Paper’ incident. â€Å"Not you. You don’t tell. It’s my mark, and I’m going to tell† (81). She always felt like Charlie was a nuisance as well â€Å"He’s like a baby† (81). In the film, Rose wasn’t as senile as the novel portrayed her. She seemed to have Norma’s sense of compassion from the novel which made her character rather puzzling. In conclusion, there was a difference of characters in the film. Although the novel and film are similar in terms of plot and theme, they are different in terms of characters. Charlie’s emotions and personal trials were a large part of both plots because the whole story is about his personal maturation and experiences. Intolerance was an important issue in the life of Charlie Gordon because it was hard for him to be accepted anywhere else but the bakery. Although some of the original characters were removed from the film, their personalities were incorporated into that of another character.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Introduction to Environmental Health and Risk Assessment Essay

Asbestos is considered a Public health hazard. As such there have been a number of scientific measures adopted to manage this risk to environmental health and safety. In this discussion the author would advance that the best way to manage asbestos is by applying the asbestos code designed for that particular location. It is believed to be safe since it is a code which has been researched prior to its design and many of the major risk factors were considered. It follows distinct guides such as ‘elimination/removal (most preferred); isolation/enclosure/sealing; engineering controls; safe work practices (administrative controls); personal protective equipment (PPE) (Asbestos control measures, 2010). As it pertains to this project the risk management plan to be adopted is the elimination and removal option which would be discussed in more detail. Justification for the decision In order to justify why it is believed that the elimination and removal option is the best under any circumstances to mange asbestos risks ,the reader must understand what it really does. First the removal has to be conducted by a certified environmentalist who is knowledgeable in the practice and would conduct the process according to the environmental heath and safety code pertaining to that procedure. Therefore, it excludes the infiltration of a novice undertaking the risk management technique. Asbestos is a very serious environmental hazard as such any attempts at control must be scientifically monitored. As was previously mentioned these are scientific interventions which are implemented after decades of well evaluated research, ‘environmental data, community health concerns and health outcome data†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. nvironmental data are reviewed to determine whether people in the community might be exposed to hazardous materials from the NPL facility. ’ (ATSDR, 2009). The removal boundaries are carefully defined; security signs and appropriate displays are erected for the public to recognize that the environment is being targeted for asbestos removal. This protects the community during the process since they would not enter the dangerous boundary zones. It is total illumination. Besides; the electrical equipment are removed and all appliances which are used to provide electrical power must be turned off. These add to the asbestos risk when elimination and removal are done. It cannot be overemphasized that this ensures complete elimination and security after the process is completed. Hence, here is the justification that this is the best option for removing both friable and non friable asbestos. It is highly recommended as a risk management device. How will elimination and removal provide a greater amount of protection from the inherent risks associated with Asbestos? Obviously, it is irradiation of the risk itself. It is like conducting a root cause analysis whereby the foundation of the factor is upturned to ensure that is has been destroyed completely. Isolation/enclosure/sealing; engineering controls; safe work practices (administrative controls); personal protective equipment (PPE) (Asbestos control measures, 2010) are all palliative measures. These do not stand the test of time because they act simply as control measures. There is still asbestos in the atmosphere. Of major significance is that the effects of asbestos do not manifest immediately. It takes years. During that time no one knows how effective these control measure might be. There is never a sure way of evaluating their true effectiveness until an entire community becomes ill from this exposure which was supposed to be controlled. Therefore, it is the author’s belief that the best ways to avoid any predisposed effects and provide optimum safety is by elimination and removal. An Outline of the selected method used to evaluate results of the option chosen to implement Asbestos risk management. The implementation task in itself offers a process of evaluation which is to determine the presence of asbestos in the air after the elimination process has been completed. This is a scientific evaluation. There are mainly three types of asbestos. Prior to the elimination procedure the environmentalist would have evaluated the types to determine whether it was white (chsorile); blue (crocidolite) or brown (amosite). The Environmental Protective Agency (EPA) has devised a scientific methodology to evaluate asbestos removal. It has been researched and found to be an appropriate measuring instrument. This entails the adoption of an alternative test which will evaluate the removal procedure used to determine how effective it was in estimating how much asbestos was really removed. Precisely, it attempts to remove some types of asbestos harbored in buildings. The interior of the building is wet, and then demolished without excluding whatever other types of asbestos may be present. Enough water is applied to trap any asbestos which might have escaped the initial reatment. This exercise is monitored and the amount of asbestos present in the atmosphere is evaluated. It is usually tested against a previously conducted irradiation treatment. (U. S Environmental Protection Agency. Asbestos Project Plan, 2010) This is a feasible way of evaluating the results of a previously conducted asbestos removal exercise. The environmentalists can also re-measure the asbestos content scientifically. However, this method even evaluates the specific instrument used and just not the degree of substances removed.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Philips Versus Matsushita Case Essay

Philips and Matsushita are two giants in the global consumer electronics market. Their international strategies and organizations are very different — while the former pursued a localization strategy, the latter pursued a global standardization strategy; while the former made use of highly self-sufficient national organizations (NOs) for strong local responsiveness, the latter adopted †one product one division† structure for cost cutting. Nevertheless, both companies encountered their difficulties as global environment changed and have then undergone major restructuring over the years. So what are the recommendations for these companies to survive in the changing environment? Philips has developed local responsiveness through its decentralized structure of national organizations (NO). This structure has a great advantage in being able to sense and quickly respond to the differences in the local markets. As a result of product development is a function of the local market conditions. Philips had developed 8 major R&D facilities throughout the world that are highly specialized. They have been a success introducing such products as first color TV in its Canadian NO and first stereo TV in Australia. However, these inventions were not shared with the rest of the NOs in Philips because of the lack of communication between NOs and headquarters. For example, Philips’ Beta videocassette format wasn’t shared with other divisions as the strategically valuable invention, as a result North America Philips rejected this invention outright choosing instead to outsource and sell Matsushita’s VHS tapes. In order to prevent these strategic mistakes, the main role of the headquarters should be scanning of business activities across countries and identifying resources and capabilities that might be a source of competitive advantage for other companies in the firm. In the 1980s, Philips competitive position weakened significantly. Competition from rapid technological change, emergence of global standards for electronic equipment and low cost Japanese manufactures all contributed to the overtaking of Matsushita. Past efforts to develop technological capabilities abroad have f ailed due to the company’s highly centralized R&D structure in Japan. Matsushita have transferred significant resources to local R&D centers, however the delegation of many responsibilities and framework of R&D came from headquarters in Japan. This philosophy was not well accepted by engineers of the acquired local companies because of the excessive functional control from the headquarters.  As the result of central R&D dictatorship overseas companies were not able to develop innovative capability and entrepreneurship. The challenge for Philips is to adopt a more flexible integrative process to balance its decentralization with controls and put in place suitable global coordination mechanisms. As NOs take over the development, manufacturing, marketing and services functions on Philips, these powers have to be reallocated to a centralized module or directly sell to other companies so as to control their powers and facilitate global integration. Yet, the technology capabilities should not be a trade-off for cost cutting purposes as it is where Philipsà ¢â‚¬â„¢ core competency lies at. Customer-focused approaches like quality after-sales service or intensive market researched should be conducted to promote the strength of its technology and branding. Moreover, an information system should be established to allow free knowledge or information exchange between NOs. The challenge for Matsushita is to enhance its local responsiveness to balance its centralization with innovation and entrepreneurship and put in place suitable localization mechanisms. First, Matsushita should establish an information system for technology and produce development for all its subsidiaries. Global knowledge transfer is important to provide basic foundation and technical support for innovations. Second, Matsushita should form cross-functional teams to investigate the local market. By employing a diversified profile of people, they can give findings or suggestions on various parts of operations like customer-relationship management, manufacturing, marketing, rather than just produce development alone. Lastly, they should recruit more local talents to stimulate the company culture as well as gather more insightful thoughts.

How Music Affects Concentration and Work Efficiency Essay

Research on the brain has been immense. The scientific study of the brain has become an essential endeavor in understanding human life. Music has been found to have profound effect on the brain. Psychologists and scientists have been looking at the link between music, with mood, work efficiency and concentration for years. In our experiment, we hope to find a correlation between a specific genre of music and greater work efficiency and concentration. We plan to give Miami University students a brief reading comprehension test while listening to a certain genre of music (rock, rap, classical, instrumental, techno, and no music).  After testing 90 students, we hope to reach a conclusion about what music helps concentration and work efficiency. If we are able to come to a conclusion, we will have a study skill that will help college students perform better on tests and with homework. Introduction: In this study we seek to examine the correlations between music and the mind. We hope to uncover the profound impact that various genres of music can have on concentration and comprehension. We hypothesize, that classical music, along with soothing and instrumental music will benefit concentration greater than rock and roll music or pieces featuring fast and wild rhythms. Our research question for this project is what specific music will benefit concentration and comprehension greatestNif at all. After researching other studies that have done on the link between music and concentration, we predict that listening to different types of music while answering questions will indeed affect the subjectOs concentration and work efficiency. In specific, we predict that classical music will help our brain with concentration tasks. From our various studies and tests we hope to discover this helpful link between music’s affect on the mind and use the results to enact better habits in our own lives. Our group wanted to perform an experiment that has validity to a personOs everyday life. Because all of our group members are in college and feel the pressure and stress to accumulate good grades, we thought it would be a great idea to help ease the anxiety by finding a method to help with our studying. If our hypothesis turns out conclusive, it will be beneficial for people to listen to classical music while studying. We have hopes that we will find a genre of music that helps the mind concentrate more efficiently. If we can accomplish our goal by coming to a definite answer to our question our experiment will be successful. We believe that this study is interesting because the vast majority of college students, ourselves included, enjoy music and seek ways to incorporate our music in studying. As college students, we also want to find ways to improve our grades and success at taking tests. If we can find a way in which music benefits studying and comprehension, we can involve music in our studies thus enhancing the enjoyment of time studying as well as enhancing our learning abilities. Music is powerful. It has the potential to evoke emotions and personality. Because of the profound effects music has on the human race, it has been a common link between cultures around the world for centuries. Not only does music provide entertainment and beautiful sounds, but it has an amazing effect on memory and learning. It has been found that people who study music have better GPAs and are higher achievers than those who aren’t involved in music. It is also true that Hungary, Japan and the Netherlands are the top three academic countries in the world and they all place a great emphasis on music education and participation in music. With that fact, the United States should promote music education in all students and stress the importance of music from an early age when children are curious and adventurous. Through recent scientific studies there has been a much greater understanding on music and itOs psychological effects. There have been countless studies performed to understand the complex correlation of the complicated brain and music. For example, in a study performed by Mark Tarrant, David Hargreaves, and Adrian North, the men sought to examine the manipulation of the mind based on music. In the study, they played music in a gym and examined the moods through testing their subjects immediately following their workout. They offered the participants the ability to help out a charity, thus examining the affect that the music had on them. They measured two different groups, those who listened to annoying music and those who listened to uplifting music. The results revealed that the uplifting music did in fact manipulate the mind by causing the subjects to be more supportive, while the people who listened to the annoying music were short-tempered and unhelpful. Another famous study has dealt with how MozartOs masterpieces help concentration and memorization when studying for academics. It has been found in many different studies that because of the mathematical rhythms in MozartOs musical pieces, mental clarity is enhanced, therefore improving study skills. After researching this study, our group was able to construct our own hypothesis. The study also made us more hopeful that our hypothesis would turn our conclusive. An experiment performed by Teresa Lesiuk dealt with the effect of listening to music on work performance. She concluded that quality of work and time-on-task work was least efficient with no music. Her experiment showed that people produce more quality work while listening to music and they finish their work faster when listening to music. It also stated that work environments with music help employee moods. This study helps our experiment, but lacks the difference in music genres on work efficiency. With our experiment, we will be able to take this specific study even further by finding out what specific genre of music helps work efficiency and mood. Exploring multiple sources and studies performed by other scientists has only helped strengthen our own experiment and shed light onto different facets of our study. With the help of outside information, we hope to provide a well constructed experiment with reliable results. From our research, we have built a vast base of knowledge on not only music’s effects on the mind, but mood, tension, and other factors which could possibly hinder our experiment. The knowledge we have gained on the diverse human responses to various genres of music have helped support our belief that music can in fact have both beneficial and harmful consequences. Our study seeks to examine not only our narrowly defined question, but several broader inquiries. Walking into King Library, there are a vast number of students hard at work while tuned into their iPods. In our study, we seek to examine what genre of music will be most beneficial. On a larger scale however, our study examines several broader topics and has many far reaching effects on student’s lives. The study will work to reach conclusions on how students can improve academic performance as well as comprehension and mental efficiency. In researching this topic, we have come across many studies that also explore the link between music and the mind. Hargreaves, David, Mark Tarrant, and Adrian North. â€Å"The Effects of Music on Helping Behavior. † Environment and Behavior 36 (2004). 10 Sep 2005 . This was an extremely beneficial study was performed on this topic by Mark Tarrant, David Hargreaves, and Adrian North. These men sought to examine the manipulation of the mind based on music. They played music in a gym and examined the moods through testing their subjects immediately following their workout. They offered the participants the ability to help out a charity, thus examining the affect that the music had on them. They had two different groups which they measured those who listened to annoying music and those who listened were exposed to uplifting music. The results revealed that the uplifting music did in fact manipulate the mind by causing the subjects to be more supportive. Weinberger, Norman . The Mozart Effect: A Small Part of the Big Picture. 7 ed. Sacramento: Regents of the University of California, 2000. One particular article we came across examined the effect of classical music’s mathematical rhythms. According to their studies, the format of the mathematical rhythms in Mozart’s pieces contain various factors which enhance mental clarity. Lesiuk, Teresa. â€Å"The Effect of music listening on work performance. † Psychology of Music. Vol. 33, No. 2, 173-191 (2005). . This journal article found results that indicate that in a work environment, quality of work is lowest with no music and time-on-task was longest with no music as well. It also states the environments with music help mood and increase quality of work when music is present. We hope that our experiment shows these results as well. Platel, H. The Structural Components of Music Perception. A Functional Anatomical Study. † Brain. Vol 120, Issue 2: 229-243. Oxford University Press 1997. This journal article relates to our experiment in a more medical standpoint. Their experiment explores the relationship between the cerebral structures and music appreciation. It is essential that we look at medical journal articles so we understand the medical basis to our experiment. Our mind is complex and extraordinary and music plays a profound affect on our brain and the way it works. McCraty, R. â€Å"The Effects of Different Types of Music on Mood, Tension, and Mental Clarity. Pub Med. 1998 Jan; 4 (1): 75-84. 7 Sep 2005. . This journal article touched on not only music and its effect on work efficiency, but also music’s effect on tension, mood and mental clarity. Because it includes more than just mental clarity, it gives us more information and research to work with. The study found that designer music (music made to have a specific effect on the listener) increased positive feelings and concentration levels. This journal article has many similarities to our experiment and coincides with our hypothesis. Florentine, Mary. â€Å"On the Behavioral Characteristics of Loud-Music Listening. Ear and Hearing: The Official Journal of the American Auditory Society. 19(6):420-428, 1998 Dec. This journal discusses behavior and its link to listening excessively to loud music. They created a survey and test 90 subjects. Eight of the surveyors showed behaviors that are present in substance abusers. This is relevant to our experiment because we will be using rock and other types of loud music to measure concentration„this journal taps into the musical category. Sweeney, J. C. â€Å"The Role of Cognitions and Emotions in the Music-approach-avoidance Behavior Relationhip. Journal of Services Marketing. Vol 16, 1: 51-69. March 2002. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. This study dealt with an experiment in a women’s fashion store. This journal differed from the other’s we researched, however it touched on a different aspect of our experiment. The journal states that music affects customer’s perceptions of service quality as well as feelings of arousals in terms of a women’s fashion store. After reading different journals like this one, it is obvious that music affects all aspects of life, not just mood and concentration. McCraty, Rollin. The Effects of Different Types of Music on Mood, Tension, and Mental Clarity. † HeartMath 76 (2002). 17 Sep 2005 . A third study we found, looked into the connections between music, mood, and mental clarity. They sought to test the different effects that diverse genres of music had on subjects through psychological questioning and profiling. They tested four genres of music from various corners of the music world; Grunge Rock, New Age, Classical, and Designer. The results were conclusive in revealing that grunge rock evoked hostility and greatly reduced mental clarity and motivation. We found this particularly important to our studies as we also plan to test primarily college students who commonly listen to grunge music. Carroll, Robert Todd. â€Å"Mozart Effect. † The Skeptic’s Dictionary 2005. . This article explores the effect that Mozart music has on the mind. It gives the history of the scientist who examined this issue. They included statistics to prove their case the students do better when they are exposed to Mozart and classical music. This article correlates to our hypothesis that classical music will improve concentration.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


The supplies used by the Indians on the reservation are completely outdated and unhelpful. An example of outdated supplies on the reservation is when Arnold is still at his school on the reservation and he receives a geometry textbook with his moms name inside of it. He then realizes that this geometry book was used when his mom went to school on the reservation. Soon Arnold had realized that his book was prehistoric he threw the book at his teachers face by accident and broke his nose. The last thing Arnold wanted to do was start the year off badly.As ell as supplies teachers are very different in the way they act and treat their students compared to the teachers at Reardon. Teachers at Arnold's old school on the reservation have terrible methods of teaching their students. When students go to school, they depend on their teachers to teach them, but when the teachers don't so their job right the motive for the students to learn is gone. An example of bad teaching methods or actions in the novel ADOPT is when Mr.. P who was Arnold's teacher on the reservation was talking about how teachers were expected to beat their students if something was one wrong.The way people are treated and taught at a young age can affect the way they act for the rest of their lives. Education is a very important aspect of ADOPT but their are many more. As well as education, money and income of a household of a family has a huge impact on the way that certain families act. In the novel ADOPT one of the differences in money be;en white people and Indian people is their wealth. Wealth determines how much money you receive and depending on that income someone could be poor or wealthy. In ADAPTS Arnold happens to live in a very poor family.When Arnold gets to his new school he notices that all the white people that attend Reardon have nice clothing and Arnold also notices that his clothing is not so nice compared to the other kids. This causes Arnold to feel like he does not fit in, which does not help him specifically on his first day. Money and income also affects peoples way of life. If someone is poor then they might set lower standards than people who are not poor. When people set lower standards than they should that could be bad because that can lead to not achieving goals that they would want to accomplish.An example of setting bad standards in the novel ADOPT is when Arnold is saying that he will get nowhere in life and the only chance of him getting anywhere in life is through drawing his cartoons. He thinks this way because he does not have the money to go to college or school which makes him feel like he can get no where in life. Money is needed for many things and can help in life if available. To be healthy, one must have a certain diet that suits them. When comparing the health of white people and Indians in the novel ADOPT one ill see that the state of health of the white people is depicted better than the health that of the Indians.To survive you mu st eat, but this often did not happen in many families on the reservation including Arnold's family. An example of bad health in the novel ADOPT is after Arnold and the Reardon basketball team beat the basketball team from the reservation. After Arnold had won the game he realized that the some of the players on the reservation team had not eaten the previous night. Arnold felt terrible about this and wished he could change what he had done. Another reason health is important is sickness.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Life as a Master Cosmetologist Essay

What is a master cosmetologist? A master cosmetologist is an individual that has knowledge and skills in the field of cosmetology through advanced education. Cosmetology is defined as the art and science of beautifying and improving skin, hair, and nails. (Houghton Mifflin, 2009) In order to obtain the title master cosmetologist certain requirements must be met. A master cosmetologist may provide beauty services, massages and scalp treatments, apply make- up, style wigs, perform some hair removal and provide nail and skin care services. Life as a Master Cosmetologist A master cosmetologist has several advantages. One advantage from working as a master cosmetologist is the option to work on skin, hair, or nails. Many choose to work in a specific field after they are licensed. Job titles reported for a master cosmetologist are; hair stylist, hairstylist, hair dresser, hairdresser, barber stylist, manager stylist, platform artist, celebrity stylist, make-up artist and nail technician. A state issued license is required to practice cosmetology, although educational requirements to receive such license vary depending on state. Georgia State Board of Cosmetology first requires an individual to receive 1500 credit hours from an accredited cosmetology school. Coursework is taught by licensed professional instructors and consist of lectures and labs covering bacteriology, sterilization, customer service and business. † (Master cosmetologist, 2011) Additional coursework includes anatomy, physiology and chemistry. Secondly, the individual must submit an application to state board for an examination date. You must past a written and practical exam with a score of 70 or above. Following, an application for initial licensure along with a money order must be submitted. The fees vary by state between $30 and $50. A Master Cosmetologist License should be renewed every two years before March 31. Some states may allow a license holder to apply for reciprocity in another state. Reciprocity may be extended to licensees from other states or countries that have similar training and licensing requirements. The state of Georgia does not reciprocate with Florida, Hawaii, New York or California. There is an endless list of job descriptions associated with a master cosmetologist. A job description is defined as a document that outlines all duties and responsibilities of a particular position in a salon. The following entries are examples of such job descriptions. *Develop new styles and techniques. *Demonstrate and sell hair care products and cosmetics. *Operate cash registers to receive payments from patrons. *Shampoo, rinse, and condition scalp, hair or hairpieces. *Update and maintain customer information records, such as beauty services provided. *Bleach, color or tint hair using temporary, demi-permanent, semi-permanent, or permanent hair color. * Schedule client appointments. *Analyze patrons’ hair and other physical features to determine and recommend beauty treatments or suggest hairstyles. Cut, trim, and shape hair or hairpieces based on customers’ instructions, hair type and facial features. *Keep work stations clean and sanitize all tools, implements, and equipment. The skills of a master cosmetologist are limitless. Providing personal assistance, emotional support, and other personal care has proven to be the most valuable. Others include but are not limite d to; performing for or working directly with the public, thinking creatively, updating and using relevant knowledge, active listening, time management, judgment and decision making, critical thinking and management of financial resources. Being aware of others’ reactions and understanding why they react the way they do is an important skill known as social perceptiveness. (E-Best resumes, 2011) Employment Most employers require a person to have a high school diploma or GED and cosmetology license. â€Å"Candidates must have a professional presentation and strong customer service skills. † (Cosmetologist career profile, 2011) Employers may ask that a salon stylist also provide an employment portfolio and resume. A portfolio is a collection of photos and documents that reflect your skills, accomplishments, and abilities in your field. A resume can be described as a written summary of a person’s education and work experience. By law, a master cosmetologist must display his or her credentials at his or her station, and clients may ask to see a license in areas where the license need not be displayed by law. A lengthy career in cosmetology may cause physical damages to the body. These damages would be considered disadvantages of working as a master cosmetologist. One disadvantage would be carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve- the nerve in the wrist that supplies feeling and movement to parts of the hand. It can lead to numbness, tingling, weakness or muscle damage in the hands or fingers. Varicose veins are swollen twisted and sometimes painful veins that have filled with an abnormal collection of blood and would be considered another disadvantage of this profession. Moreover, lower back pain is triggered by a combination of overuse, muscle strain, and injury to the muscles, ligaments, bones and discs, making the back more prone to injury and re-injury. Low back pain can lead to overall imbalance in the spinal structure. Occupational Outlook The market seems favorable in years to come for cosmetologists. Cosmetology could be one of the few recession proof careers; things would have to get pretty bad for most people to prompt taking haircuts and hairstyling out of their budgets. â€Å"In fact, as stress and anxiety about the economy rise, so does business at salons, where clients can find relaxation and relief in the midst of the turmoil. †(Cosmetology career trends, 2011) According to SimplyHired. com, as of 2010, the average salary for a master cosmetologist is $31,000 per year. Income may vary due to customers’ tipping habits, services provided, experience of the cosmetologist, and whether he or she works on commission. The demand for cosmetologist is expected to grow by 20% between 2008 and 2018. Opportunities should remain plentiful, especially for new graduates seeking entry-level positions. Finally, to be successful you must take ownership of your education. Not surprisingly, employment will be greater for those with professional experience and those licensed to provide a broad range of services. A demand for specialized hair services has increased in recent years. This trend will continue, leading to a favorable occupational outlook for cosmetologists.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Techno Music in Detroit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Techno Music in Detroit - Essay Example Techno, although seen as the voiceless, computerized machine-music of the 1990s, actually originated in the mid-1980s in Detroit and Chicago where avant garde disco DJs were experimenting with minimalist ‘industrial’ sounds (Reynolds 1998: 2), influenced in parts by disco, Philly soul, and European synth-pop (Hoffmann), Few people associate techno with its African American origins yet the three individuals most closely associated with the birth of Detroit techno as a genre are the "Belleville Three", Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson and Derrick May. These three African American high school friends from Detroit learned and mastered the art of ‘mixing’ electronic music (Reynolds 1998: 2). They soon found to their surprise that their basement music was in dance floor demand, thanks in part to a Detroit radio personality known as The Electrifying Mojo (Reynolds 1998: 2). Mojo not only played their early home grown techno tracks, but also influenced the new sound by playing electronic music from pioneers like Kraftwerk who were based in DÃ ¼sseldorf, Germany. The band Kraftwerk was masterminded by Ralf HÃ ¼tter and Florian Schneider, and have been widely accredited as the major influence on Detroit techno. In particular, their albums `Autobahn` from 1975, `Transeuropa Express` from 1977 and `Die Mensch-Maschine` from 1978, contributed to their reputation as the ‘Godfathers of Techno’ (Reynolds 1998: 2). ... Though, Detroit had a larger African American population, the chcago area, which had segregated black neighbourhoods, produced DJs who had their own individualistic styles. Party holders took advantage of these styles and organised their down town gatherings by inviting the best DJs from both the Westside and the Southside neighbourhoods. These events usually housed up to 5000 young people from both Chicago and Detroit. This meant that the Chicago DJs had more structure and were cutting more than the Detroit DJs (Hoffmann). Eventually Detroit DJs started working on their own tracks and giving it to Chicago's 'Hot Mix people' who started playing it in the various clubs and on radio stations, calling it "the 'house' sound of Detroit". By linking this new sound to Chicago, its DJs controlled how much influence was given to Detroit owing to intense competition and a need to keep the music culture strong in Chicago alone (Hoffmann). However, there were many DJs who were happy to help DJs Juans and Derricks by playing their tracks tracks which were created by mixing and blending music, creating a smoother music compared to the Chicago DJs who had a different beat and a different vocal every eight bars. Although producers in both cities used the same hardware and even collaborated on projects and remixes together, Detroiters traded the choir-friendly vocals of House with metallic clicks, robotic voices and repetitive hooks reminiscent of an automotive assembly line. It is this characteristic of the genre that provides the argument by authors such as Williams (2001: 158) who suggests that Detroit techno was a soundtrack for the evisceration of

Monday, August 12, 2019

Rapid Colony Transformation of E -Coli with Plasmid DNA Lab Report

Rapid Colony Transformation of E -Coli with Plasmid DNA - Lab Report Example The paper "Rapid Colony Transformation of E -Coli with Plasmid DNA" analyzes E-Coli transformed by plasmid DNA using a rapid method. The transformation method can be categorized into four stages. The first is Pre-incubation stage. The low temperature gels the cell membrane, thereby stabilizing the distribution of charged phosphates and allowing them a more effective shield from the cat ions. The second stage is Incubation. The DNA is added and the cell suspension is kept at 0Â ºC.the cat ions are thought to neutralize negatively charged phosphates in the DNA and the cell membrane. The third stage is Heat Shock. The cell +DNA suspension is briefly incubated at 42Â ºC and then returned to 0Â ºC. The rapid temperature change creates a heat imbalance on either side of the E-Coli membrane and is supposed to create a wave that sweeps plasmids into the cell. The fourth stage is Recovery. LB broth is added to the DNA/cell suspension and incubated at 37Â ºC before being put on plates with different selected antibiotic resistant markers. Transformed cells recover from the treatment, amplify the transformed plasmid and begin to express the antibiotic resistant strain. Samples of E-coli cells are taken from a nutrient agar plate (LB agar) and suspended in two tubes containing a solution of calcium chloride. Plasmid pAMP is added to one cell suspensionBothe the tubes are then incubated at 0Â ºC for 15 minutes. After this a brief heat shock is administered at 42Â º .the samples are cooled and LB broth is added.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

What disparity is there between defendants outcomes when you retain a Essay

What disparity is there between defendants outcomes when you retain a private attorney versus a public defender in a criminal trial - Essay Example While the presiding judge’s job is to ensure that the prosecution presents the case in a manner which is consistent with the law he is under no duty to ensure that council for either side is competent. As a result representation of a defendant at trial is very important if the defendant is going to benefit from a trial of the issues. It is important to remember that not all criminal trials involve jurors and not all parts of a jury trial require the jurors to remain a part of the proceedings. In Powell v Alabama Justice Sutherland explained the absolute requirement for legal representation at a criminal trial. He said that ‘the right to be heard would be, in many cases, of little avail if it did not comprehend the right to be heard by counsel. Even the intelligent and educated layman has small and sometimes no skill in the science of law. If charged with crimes, he is incapable, generally, of determining for himself whether the indictment is good or bad. He is unfamiliar with the rules of evidence. Left without the aid of counsel he may be put on trial without a proper charge, and convicted upon incompetent evidence, or evidence irrelevant to the issue or otherwise inadmissible. He lacks both the skill and knowledge adequately to prepare his defense, even though he have a perfect one. He requires the guiding hand of counsel at every step in the proceedings against him. Without it, though he be not guilty, he faces the danger of conviction because he does not know h ow to establish his innocence.’ (Powell v Alabama 287 U.S. 45 (1932)) In delivering the judgment for the court, Justice Sutherland went on to explain that in the event a defendant is charged with a capital offense and could not afford to retain council the court had a residual duty to appoint council for the defendant. Failing to appoint council was tantamount to a denial of the right to due process of law under the fourteenth Amendment to the